Become Part of our Community
Do you want to be part of our community and make a difference in the crypto space?
With your help we will combat fraud and ensure the diffusion of trustworthy information within the crypto community. Share your insights to streamline data sources and help further our cause. We actively seek to empower our active community members and those demonstrating involvement will be rewarded tokens for their continued efforts.
Patrons and Supporters
Becoming a Patron is the ultimate way to get closer to our Operation. Our Patrons inspire and support our effort to endeavour toward safe and trustworthy crypto space. However you support us, no matter how small or large your donation might be, rest assured that it all adds up.
Whistleblowers are the window into a safer crypto space. Whoever you are, and whatever you want to blow the whistle to expose fraud or wrong-doing, we will strive to review your concerns in the most secure way possible.
On-Demand Report Requests
What would you like us to investigate? Which crypto fraud do you want us to expose? Get in touch and we will do our very best to help. The amount of SHITokens that need to be raised to initiate the investigation depends on the complexity and parties involved in the case. Learn How On-Demand Reports Work.
Anyone with Information
If you believe you have information about crypto fraud or scams, please reach out to our team. You can send us experiences, issues, opinions and suggestions that could help us to improve our Operation. You may be offered a reward depending on the information you provide.
Bounty Hunting
There is a bit more effort involved to become a bounty hunter. It is not only about forwarding news or pointing to data sources already available on the public domain. We will regularly announce specific tasks via our social media accounts. As a bounty hunter, you will be expected to employ your skills in most effective and fast ways. Tasks can vary in nature, but usually focus on obtaining certain data from undisclosed sources. Learn how bounty hunters can help us produce evidence.
Donate and Support our Work
Please send your SHIToken donation to the wallet address below on the Ethereum mainnet.